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#38564   08.06.2023 08:04          
After a miraculous fourth-down-conversion-turned-touchdown from the handed the a lo s and thrust the into the playoffs for the first time in 17 years, Bills fans decided to put their money where their hearts lie and flooded Bengals quarterback charity with . In le s than 48 hours after the Bengals' win, Bills fans donated over $100,000 to the Andy & Jordan Dalton Dmitrij Jaskin Kids Jersey Foundation. Scottie Upshall Women Jersey Thank you to everybody who is donating to the ! We are blown away by the support! Andy Dalton (@andydalton14) But Dalton wasn't the only player involved in the touchdown that sent the Bills to the postseason for the first time in over a decade. Second-year wideout was on the receiving end of Dalton's pa s. And now Bills fans are donating en ma se to his charity, too.Once again, the donations are largely occurring in $17 increments Jaden Schwartz Women Jersey , in honor of the snapped playoff drought. In addition to Andy Daltons foundation, Bills have fans been donating in $17 increments to Bengals WR Tyler Boyds cause, the Western PA Youth Athletic A sociation: Mike Rodak (@mikerodak) A YouCaring.com spokesperson emailed that Bills fans raised over $30,000 for the Western PA Youth Athletic A sociation since the end of the Bengals-Ravens game. Boyd himself took to Twitter to thank the Robert Thomas Kids Jersey people of Buffalo for their generosity. You guys are donating to a youth football organization that I grew up playing in and would mean so much to me if I can help improve structure new equipment, travel arrangements etc. Not only the football organization where I grew up but many more Tyler Boyd (@boutdat_23) Thank You Ivan Barbashev Women Jersey to the Bills entire fan base. What great people you are . We have reach our primary goal with 20k and any other donations will still be excepted as well Tyler Boyd (@boutdat_23) This story just won't stop being awesome.

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