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#1   28.11.2022 08:07          
color blind test can be performed for all subjects that need accurate color recognition such as: drivers, electricians, designers, painters, technicians, marketers... color recognition. Difficulty distinguishing colors can greatly affect work. Color blindness is mainly inherited and appears at birth, so many people cannot detect themselves as colorblind.
Qualitative test for color blindness (Enchroma, Ishihara)
The most commonly used qualitative test for color blindness is the Ishihara color vision test. This method was invented and published by Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara in 1917.
In particular, Ishihara plate testing is a standard and highly accurate method. The Ishihara plate helps to check for red-green color blindness. The Ishihara test consists of 38 clear pictures generated by unique and multicolored random dots.
The simple test is to look at the board and say the number you see. Each plate will contain information that people with color blindness will see a different result than the average person. Based on the results, your doctor will decide what color blindness you have. Some special plates are used to diagnose color blindness in children who cannot yet read numbers or letters.
Based on the Ishihara color blindness test, the Enchroma color blindness test determines the type and degree of color blindness a person has. This is a test created by professor Shinobu Ishihara at the University of Tokyo, combined with a computer-adapted algorithm to measure the type and degree of color blindness. The test has a mode for adults and children from 5 years old, with 3 main types of color blindness: green blindness, red-green color blindness and yellow-green color blindness.
Quantitative test for color blindness
Quantitative color blindness test aims to analyze in more detail about color blindness, the patient's ability to accurately perceive colors. The most commonly used quantitative colorblind test is the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 color test.
The test consisted of 4 trays of various small plates and colors. The tester needs to arrange the color discs in ascending order of color. For accurate results, the test must be done in a place with natural light, the color discs should be replaced regularly and numbered under the base to make checking the results easier. The test helps detect color blindness and its severity.
Other methods
In addition to the above two methods, there is also an online color blindness test. The online color blindness test is a version of the Ishihara qualitative color blindness test. However, online color blindness testing causes unstable image quality which can lead to errors. Therefore, for the most accurate results, see an ophthalmologist to test for color blindness under the right light.

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