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#1   08.06.2023 05:37          
If anyone knows what the are going through at quarterback this year, it's . In Morgan Cox Jersey 2004, the quarterback went through a similar situation during his rookie year in Pittsburgh. Just like , Big Ben took over after an injury to the starter, and just like Dak, Roethlisberger's team went on a roll. In Pittsburgh, it began when starting quarterback Tommy Maddox injured his elbow in Week 2. Enter Big Ben. Although the Steelers lost that Larrell Murchison Jersey game to the , they wouldn't lose again the rest of the regular season with Roethlisberger under center. Big Ben, who was taken with the 11th overall pick in the 2004 NFL Draft, started in 13 straight games and led the Steelers to 13 straight victories. By the time Maddox was in November, there was no job to take back. With Romo David Long Jr. Jersey now healthy in Dallas, Roethlisberger implied Wednesday that the Cowboys should stick with the hot hand, and in this case, that would mean sticking with Prescott. "When you're just kind of rolling and you're not losing games, it's really hard to kind of change that position especially," Roethlisberger said, . "Take nothing away from Tony. He's been doing it at a high level. When you're winning football games, it's really hard to replace that one spot." The Steelers quarterback also added that Prescott has been fun to watch this season. "He's been awesome," Roethlisberger said. "Very similar to what Caleb Farley Jersey I had, he's got a great running game, good defense, he's not just managing games, he's taking games over. He's doing some pretty awesome stuff. It's fun to watch." If the Cowboys do stick with Prescott, they'll be hoping that season ends better for them than Ryan Tannehill Jersey things did during Roethlisberger's rookie year. After going 13-0 during the regular season, Big Ben and the Steelers lost in the AFC title game to New England.

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